Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm Sad

I cry over Mindy every day. I cry because I will have to put her down soon. After a day of cleaning after her, I go to bed thinking about it. I wake up thinking about it. It's exhausting. It's depressing. I wonder why I am doing this to myself. I know that nobody can help me with this decision. Hell, why would they want to. No one wants to be responsible for killing Mindy.


  1. Don't think of it as "Killing her". I read that animals don't view death like us humans do. It is simply a part of their life cycle which they don't understand and do not fear. Talk to Mindy and let her know that you don't want to see her suffer and let her know that you will see her again someday. This will give her a peace of mind since she knows how hard it is for you to let go. Think of euthanizing Mindy as your final act of Love and Respect. Mindy will always be in your heart and she will love you always.

  2. Thank you. You are so sweet for helping me through this. I love you.

  3. Sorry sister! I love you!
