Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yosemite Ruby Sue

I picked up a couple of new throws (binkies) for the living room at the DG yesterday. Ruby claimed the one that I threw across Lee's chair immediately. He got home from work, got into his comfy clothes and headed to pile up in his chair. Ruby dove behind him as he sat down. Her binky. Bless her heart, she was able to find a little corner of it on the back of the chair. Usually, she would be laying on Lee's lap. It was all about the blanket last night.

I tucked all the dogs in and crawled into the bed last night. My feet are really cold here lately. I don't even think about it when I slide them across the bed to Lee's side and jam them under his leg. He let's me do it. I think he feels sorry for me and my cold little feet. They must have been extremely cold last night because he let out a holler. I apologized and retracted the evil things. He laughed and said if it was Ruby, she would have done her "rickle rack robble rap rap rabbalap rumble...rumble....rumble." It's sort of a Yosemite Sam rant that settles into a grumble. She does it any time she is displeased. Like, when she's under her Snuggie on the couch and I caress her paw that's sticking out, or when I hold her down with a big hug, or when she's breaking the rules and trying to sniff the food on the counter top and I slip my foot out of my shoe and put a cold toe on her belly. It startled her the first time I did it. Now it just pisses her off. She adds a bark to the beginning of the cold toe swear. Funny enough, she is the roughest toughest hound dog that ever locked horns with a rabbit, here in Deer Run. Lee says she's spoiled.

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