Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Well, If It's Drama You Want....

Dear Brat,
You're not going to ruin my holiday season this year, you ignorant cow!
With Love

My fool of a little sister just can't seem to get it through her head that she is twenty-frickin'-eight years old and that life isn't one big party. I think that if we could just beat that in, maybe, she would get a clue that her train isn't going to come in while she's sitting on her ass looking at her Blackberry. To watch her life play out on Facebook is painful. She can't find love, she doesn't need love, she loves her boys, she's at church, she's at a trashy club, she's going to sell her trailer/truck, she doesn't own either one of them (not really). And so it goes on....she's cleaning, she's cooking, she's spending time with her boys, she's supposed to be doing that anyway, but if she posts it online someone is sure to kiss her ass and tell her how TERRIFIC she is. If she'd done all those things while she was married and cared about her husband, she'd still be married.

Our family took all we could of it, until we had to hide her posts. Last Sunday night the shit hit the fan, though. Mom called me up crying so hard, I was afraid someone had died. Nope, she decided to confront her little mooch about not paying her bills and running off all weekend. She told Mom she was at the beach, she told Facebook she was in B'ham. Regardless, she shouldn't have been spending money on either. She jumped on my mom and my step-dad defended her. So, just like a teenager, she pulls the "you're not my dad" and "my daddy wouldn't talk to me like that" crap. Haha! Our dad wouldn't be talking to her, he'd be whipping her butt. I'm sure he's so proud of the woman she's become. Poor fella, his death has been the blame of her shortcomings for 14 years now. After getting off the phone with Mom, I hit her where it hurt....her precious Facebook. She deleted me, so I posted that, too. I understand that she proceeded to delete most everyone else in our family.

I talked to my mom about everyone getting together with her, an intervention. My mom and her ex-mother-in-law have the most influence over her because they keep her children. I was told that they were afraid she would take the children and run. I officially give up. In the past, time spent trying to help that crazy bitch was a waste. With nobody on board but my sisters, it will be again. I even listened to her ex-husband go on and on about it, when he called me the other day, hoping that it would be productive conversation. Heh. Nothing. I don't want to hear another word about it or about our usual holiday get-togethers. I will not have the "fun ole family Christmas" this year because I am tired of ignoring the elephant in the room. Who keeps inviting that bastard?


  1. Wow! Good venting session, huh?

  2. It's so nice to get that off your chest isn't it? I feel so much better too!!! I, for one, am not going to let that skank ruin my holiday season!! We ARE going to have fun and dammit sister you better get used to that!!!

  3. We shouldn't call our sister such bad names. It ends up reflecting poorly on us. Besides the term skank should be reserved for someone you hate and we don't hate our sister. She's family. She has lied to me, used me, even stolen from me, and I still love her. Can't stand her, but I love her.
