Hate the Folgers commercial! Love the Discover Card "My name Peggy" commercial! Haha so frickin' funny! I have the attention span of a capuchin monkey. I'm finding it difficult to finish any task I begin, including this blog today. I'm embarrassed to say how long I've had this page up so far. I've got up from my chair twice already, coffee and floor check. I had to look up whether or not it was a capuchin monkey or a pacuchin monkey. Friends! Lost, completely sucked in for 15 to 20 minutes. Yesterday, I cut out aprons from my patterns, but never sewed them together. You know I can't focus, when there are dishes in my sink and our bed isn't made. I only shaved half of one of my legs yesterday. Remembered last night. I need to get up there and get them done after this blog. It takes my brain a while to wake up everyday, even though we go to bed early. It's been two cups of coffee and 10am for years, even when I worked. Yes, my brain was still in sleep mode in Birmingham traffic. If a conversation with someone, even if I find it fascinating, carries on too long, I'll drift off. No offense. I adore Lee and he says I do it to him all the time. I don't realize it when it happens. So embarrassing! Something strikes me as "shiny" and you've lost me. It's Christmas and everything is shiny, so good luck having a conversation with me unless you have on a glitter hat and a blinky light necklace. Gone running. My name Peggy....haha...cracks me up!
The Folgers commercials make me cry. "Peggy" is hilarious!!! :)