Mindy taps on the front door with her paw until I stop what I'm doing, making breakfast, and let her in. She continues to boss me around until she is completely satisfied. She demands her treat as soon as she comes back in from going outside, then she insists that she should eat her breakfast immediately. She stands underfoot while I attempt to make breakfast without stepping on her. Not always successfully. I don't know if she remembers that I have already given her a treat and that she has food in her bowl. I let her slide with this behavior because she's an old lady.
Oliver stretches, rubs and rolls on the dog bed beside the front door. He thinks he should be loved on before he goes outside in the morning. He will refuse until you at least pat his head. After his morning needs are me, he hops in his dad's chair on top of his blanket and rolls around until he gets cozy. He sure does love Lee. He hops in Lee's lap every night. I swear he calls "shotgun" as he lays on Lee's left leg against the arm of the chair.
Ruby wants love as she exits her kennel. She rubs all over me, kissing and gnawing at my hands as I pet her. She runs around the property for about 5 to 10 minutes while I get the coffee going. Sometimes it's harder to get her inside, especially if she finds something to kill. She is usually pretty good about doing some tricks for her morning treat. I give it to her and she runs into the living room. I holler after her, "Don't get on the couch!" She doesn't. She hops on the foot stool to devour her Milkbone, but only after Mindy and Ollie have finished theirs. She likes to make them watch her. She is the Nellie Oleson of dogs. After Lee leaves for work, she wants my undivided attention for a while until she gets tired and takes a nap.
Awww! Sweet pups! :)