Ruby Sue gets in more trouble when she gets out running around here. Here's a picture of her after eating a bee, or something that stings, cause her lip is all swollen and hanging down on the lower on the left side of the pic. I should have known when I was falling in love with her in Aunt Jo's back yard, that she'd be a handful. Her and her brother kept on running up the back porch steps, pushing through the screen door and eating the cat's food. Then she got in Grandmother's drain pipe. Let's see, this week she has been caught tossing a bird trying to learn to fly up in the air....she said she was "jus' helpin', Momma", I know the small creatures of our yard and surrounding woods are on some kind of terror alert this week. She hasn't eaten much of the food I've put out for her. I've been mowing grass for the past two days and so she's out and not watched very closely. Poor critters. I've noticed her visiting certain shrubs, messing around underneath them, and I know she's got one of her little prizes hidden from me. I'd just let her have them if she was an outside dog, but I don't want to have to clean it up if it makes her sick in the house.
Being gone last weekend put us behind on the yard work. I did the push mowing around the house and areas that Lee can't get on the tractor. Once he knocks that out tomorrow, we'll work on an unfinished project or two. Still got the walkway, we are pouring, and the rail fence to get done before we can begin another project. Then we'll probably get the porch ceiling up. I bet that's going to be a pain.
I cut my cousin's daughter's hair yesterday afternoon. She's such a good little girl and he's a good daddy to her. I finished mowing the yard around 5 o'clock, ran in and got supper cooked, and we were just finishing up when they got here. I was exhausted! She was so sweet to have not called me out on probably calling her everything but her name, which is Shaylee. I called her Kaylee and Kyleigh and who know what else that sound like her name. Bless her heart. I let her pick out a booshi bag to take with her. It was good catching up with my cousin. We all sat around and watched Reba while I gave Shaylee her haircut and talked about family, or better yet "crazy" family. He asked "have you heard anything from so and so" or "what do you thing about so and so" and I really had no reply or much of an opinion on any of it. I have excused myself from most of the nonsense and foolishness that's been going on in this family this year...not all of it, but most. But don't you think I'm not up for hearing the latest gossip for a little snicker. We got us a handful of white liars in this family and they just aren't good at it. Most of it is based on their own denial that they are wrong. Bunch of stubborn people. If your going to be right, be right. Don't half-ass it, and then have to fix it in a story so you can still feel good about yourself. And, telling half the story, you know, the way folks do so they don't have to answer for their ignorance, ain't right either. Just keep your pie hole shut about the whole subject, if you can't be honest. Guess some people just need to be talking to talk?
I need some more crepe myrtles.
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