I was looking through recent photos to see if I had anything to post, I didn't. These are some of my first fried green tomatoes I made two years ago. I was so proud! I couldn't wait to get some tomatoes large enough to eat from our garden. That's why they were so small. But they were good. I brought them straight up to the house, dug through my cookbooks until I found a recipe for batter I liked, then, I sliced them up and deep fried them in my cast iron pot. I was so tickled to share them with Lee when he got home from work. I can't wait to do it again this year. Yes, last years fried green tomatoes were bigger. Robin made fun of how tiny they looked in the picture. You can tell how grand I thought they were based on the time I took to PhotoShop them up.
Rambling on, I saw all these pictures of crepe myrtles we had just planted and the house before Lee built the porch on the front of it. Our yard looked bare compared to how it looks now. Ruby's puppy pictures, Mindy before she turned white, Oliver...okay, Ollie doesn't seem to age. It's all kind of bittersweet. I found a little sadness creeping up on me. Thank goodness I found that picture of the tomatoes and got out of those folders. I need to reorganize all that mess.
I did Momma's hair yesterday afternoon. Going to do Robin's today. I have to get moving! I've almost finished my coffee. I don't plan on looking like much today, so getting ready should be a snap :)
I barbequed yesterday, so we have ribs, bacon wrapped brats and a pork shoulder in the fridge. The brats always finish first, so I served them with peppers, onions and kraut that I flash fried in the skillet. Lee only ate two brats because he couldn't get his head out of the skillet. That man likes him some stir fry.
I found another tick crawling on me yesterday. I am no longer surprised when i find one on me. The only one that really bit me, that I know of, was the one that got on me when we were working on the fence. Lee gave that hound dog a bath for me last night and I will give her another batch of Frontline today. That will protect her anyway. I had a tough time getting one off of her yesterday right after I found the one on me. I'm going to have to stop loving on that dog.
Y'all have a great weekend!
I thought that was a picture of some Fried Pickles!!! lol!! They are small!! You better invite me over for some of them fgt!!!! Oh, and by the way, Ollie hasn't aged a bit! I think you should rename him George Hamilton or Christie Brinkley, depending on the mood!! lol I think they both made deals with the devil!! Love ya!! See ya later!!