I was so happy to find our passports in the mailbox yesterday afternoon. We got them in two weeks. I figured it would take the full four to six weeks as promised and that there was no way we'd be able to book something for our anniversary, which we still won't because we've been researching destinations for three weeks. Now we are all kinds of confused because there are so many choices. Well, there aren't as many as when we began. We have dropped Jamaica because of the violence there right now. And we paid for our passports and we intend on going somewhere that we have to use them, so the US is out. We keep ending up back at Mexico and that is probably where we'll go. We have been checking out resorts in Acapulco, Cabo, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Manzanillo, and, now, a friend has mentioned Ixtapa, so we'll be looking into that tonight. The all inclusive packages run about the same for most of these places.
Found another tick crawling on me last night. I am so sick of ticks. I told Ruby she was going to be the death of me. I used to think it was because she was forever more running off and something bad would happen to her, breaking my heart. Now I'm sure she will pass a tick on to me and get me sick. She's a very happy dog. She gets to run through the woods and chase rabbits and squirrels, then hops up on the couch for a nice little nap the rest of the day. That's where she is right now. Laying on her blanket, with her little paw and nose pushed between cushions. Rotten. And, yes, it's my fault, but I love her. Oliver is hanging out behind me as I sit on the edge of the sofa. He feels the need to touch whoever he sits with. Mindy doesn't care for snuggling much anymore. She tenses up when you touch her, like it hurts. She prefers to dominate the dog bed. She sleeps right smack in the middle of it and demands that the other dogs stay off of it. She'll stand beside it for us to run Ruby off, when Ruby takes her spot. Mindy is still barking after we put her in her kennel at night, but she doesn't do it all night like she was.
We have a caterpillar problem. They are attacking my roses and the oak trees. I sprayed the roses and lower limbs of the affected oaks yesterday afternoon. Bastards will probably move on to something else. Lee said it was probably time to hit the fruit trees with Seven again. I'm sure the pests will be looking for something to eat.
Yesterday, my sister, Robin, made a facebook post regarding our sister, Lesley, blocking all of us from her page. Her post just stated how strange it was. She lied and told us she deactivated her page, but then, friends started asking why she said this or that, and why can't we get her to stop putting up every personal detail of her life on there. She blocked us because we that is exactly what we tried to do. Some guy that Lesley is "doing stuff with" felt the need to defend her. We are certain that she was sitting back, very aware of everything that was said, probably egging it on. That's her style. I laughed last night, thinking about it as I cooked supper...how it all went down. This guy ran to Lesley's defense, accusing us of bashing her, not knowing that we still talk to her on the phone and by email, just not on facebook because she knows we will call her out on the dumb shit she posts. For instance, if she called another guy that she used, for whatever reason, a stalker because he fell in love with her. I wondered how long it would be before this fella, too, was crying in his beer while listening to a Dwight Yoakam song. It's my imagination, I think it's funny, just give me the moment. I know about her intended path of destruction. Love 'em and leave 'em. Keeps you from getting hurt. It also can make you dead inside. That's how I was....in college! I grew up. Count the candles , baby. There are almost 30 of them. And, I didn't have two children watching. I also wasn't doing it publicly on facebook. But she insists that she deserves to have her fun. Okay....what whore fed you that line? Whatever, she bragged about voting for Obama, too. I'm sure Pop-paw, Mom-maw and Daddy all already rolled over on that one. Anyway, Robin had to delete that post, because it got out of hand when all her friends began to defend her against the guy. She didn't want people to be mean to him. Yes, she's that nice.
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