I got treated like Vivian (Pretty Woman) at a fabric store in Oneonta, B&B Outlet. The bitty asked if she could help me find something. I explained that I was looking for something to make bags with. She felt the need to reply, in her nasty, better than most, voice, that they were a home decor store. I told her that I had shopped with them before and that I may still find what I was looking for. The other lady, who is always nice to me, concurred. I scanned the store for about thirty minutes. It's a large store, with a fair amount of fabric that dates back to the "80's, so you have to dig to find what you are looking for. The way she spoke to me bothered me, but I didn't want to drive to Birmingham or Cullman to do my shopping. I had been to the funeral home and really just wanted to be "somewhere" for a while before going home because I was afraid I would dwell on the sadness I had encountered. I found some satin and some fabric with frogs on it and took it all up to the counter. The lady I usually deal with was busy, so Miss Personality asked if I was ready for my fabric to be cut. I told her I was ready, being as polite as possible, with my "please" and "thank you"s. I told her the yardage for each selection. She grabbed the first bolt, rolled out two yards, snipped the edge with the scissors and proceeded to rip it. I realize it tears with the grain, but this was satin and she was stretching, distressing the fabric as she jerked it into two pieces. I have been buying fabric since I was a teenager for one project or another, and not once has a sales person chosen this method. I almost walked out when she started ripping. I should have. Anyway, it bothered me, even as I climbed into bed last night. I hadn't told Lee because I didn't want to bother him with it, and I didn't speak with anyone else the entire day after it happened, so with that and a poor dead boy and a barking, senile weiner dog and worrying about all my sisters (for some reason unknown to me 'cause I have a tendency to be sensitive to their feelings, even when I'm not sure if somethings wrong) I was up most tof the night. I finally got Ruby out of her kennel to snuggle/console me and fell asleep around 3am. Mindy woke us up again around 6 o'clock barking. I refuse to go back to bed after Lee leaves for work because I'm afraid it will mess up my sleep pattern. I haven't slept very well since the drug helicopter hover/garbage can theft. So, it's no wonder that I am getting sick. I have had a sore throat for a week. I keep fighting it off, then it's back.
Okay, I have things to do. Need to get the pork shoulders on the smoker, mow the yard & sew some new covers for the outdoor furniture. Everything else will have to wait. My floors are dirty and on my nerves.
Crabby Gina
Mommabear said...
ReplyDeleteI love how you are so eloquent even in your anger, dear cuz! I love you and suddenly feel the need to get some fabric ;) I don't like people picking on my peeps... and to rip?!?! the fabric. ubsurd. She was being a b word Gina, but bitty isn't it...Love ya!