It's been one month since I had a hysterectomy. I'd hoped for the laparoscopic procedure. I'd hoped for a two week recovery. So glad I chose to go with first available instead of trying to work around everyone else's schedule. Even mine. I've ventured into the office a couple of times to keep the boat afloat, but paperwork is piled up. The employee we hired before I left, to cover for me, hasn't worked out like I'd planned. Do you know how to use QuickBooks? Yes. Hell no you don't! And the fact that this person doesn't pay attention is a plus. Sadly we hired an overpaid receptionist without the warm personality our customers are used to. I realized that not everyone is able to put on happy face all the time, but I do consider it part of my job description. Can't wait to get back to work and clean up the mess. I discovered things weren't going to get done if I didn't call in someone dependable so a good friend agreed to come after work several times a week to make deposits and take care of the books. I am so fortunate to have such a good friend. Meanwhile, at the house, having watched all the recorded television I'd planned to watch, I will continue to lose my sanity surrounded by a filthy house, a grown up yard, and stinky dogs for companions. I love being at home, when I can take care of it like I like it..... and without someone else having to do it for me. I have control issues, as in I need to control everything. I go back to the doctor Monday. I hope I am released to drive. I can't tell if I'll be ready. A half day out wears me out and I have to do a lot of resting to recover. I am not a fan of laying around. It's like punishment. I've attached a pic of my mom; she took me to get one of my stinky dogs groomed and I took her to the Soda Fountain while we waited. Feeling icky today. I know tomorrow will be better.
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