When I blog, I try my best to write exactly what I think, like nobody is reading. My blog is open to the public, I know anyone can read it. Sometimes I sprinkle a little sugar on it, just in case. If a family member pisses me off, it usually ends up in here....well, jumbled up somewhere in the mix of other things going on, anyway. I've noticed a change in me here lately. I hope it's for the better. I've realized that I may have been carrying around some shame or perhaps I've been hiding from my past, for many years. I never recognized it as shame before now. It's just been this week that it crossed my mind that I feel differently about myself. Back a couple of months ago, I had a rush of bad memories that kept me awake one night. I grabbed the laptop and just started typing. I let it all hang out. I think it freed me. I find myself leaving the house a little more these days. I enjoy running into people. I've suppressed a lot over the years. Have no recollection of some things and it's probably better that they stay buried. So often, a family member will say, "Remember when....?" Nope, not at all. I believe it happened. Not doubting them. I just slap don't remember. But thinking back, remembering how and why things happened the way they did, and being honest with myself about how some of it was my own fault really helped me.
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