Since he stayed in the room all day, they didn't get to spray for sand fleas, which we didn't know was an issue. Until Sunday night. They were all over the bed. They wouldn't do anything about it, until I complained to the concierge the next day. I took a picture of the biting little monsters and blew it up for them. That got their attention. We covered ourselves in OFF just so we could sleep that night. I guess they kept the room sprayed after that because they were gone. Insecticide....so sexy. The beach peddlers were pests, too. We couldn't leave the resort to walk the beach without having the all around you, trying to get you to buy their jewelry and dresses. It all looked alike to me. I had decided that if I came across something unique, I'd like to buy it, but sometimes I would buy something to get them to leave me alone. Not so relaxing.
I'm so glad to be home. We'll still travel, but the third world country adventures are over. Puerto Vallarta is supposed to be the Beverly Hills of Mexico. No wonder they want to come here to live. Everyone is poor and I didn't feel good about being a spoiled tourist. It was a really bad experience....or maybe not because I was so glad to be coming home to our country and thankful to be an American.
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