My constant complaints about my water spilling all over the place every time I open a new bottle sent my genius husband into a full-fledged science lesson the other night, explaining that my thoughts on the bottle being fully submerged when filled and capped off, are wrong :) Haha, most of my theories involve a little cartoon character with a light bulb flashing on above his head. I have a crappy memory and he remembers everything he's ever read. Everything. I don't even remember what he told me, even though I was paying attention. Something about molecules. Thank goodness he's pretty.
I love our talks :D
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Addicted to Pandora
Particularly, what I call Blind Melon radio. It's so frickin' good! Lee has it rigged up on the TV in the kitchen, so I hit it as I pass to start the coffee in the morning. Lots of Led, Pumpkins, Nirvana, Jimi (loving me some Jimi, right now), Weezer, RHCP...good times. So awesome! Half the time, it never gets turned off. I listen all day, while working around the house. Beats shit television! At Robin's, a couple of weeks ago, I was sewing in the kitchen and realized something was bringing my mood down, it was 16 and Pregnant, really MTV? First of all, I remember when watching MTV was like being at the party. Second, I can't tell if the show is to reach teens as a lesson or to make money off the train-wrecks that these little girls have become. Perhaps, it began with good intentions. I watched Catelynn and Tyler make their difficult decision, bless their hearts. Think I was having my period because I remember squalling like a baby for them. But I never had an interest in the rest of the mess. I recall my high school English teacher, Ms. Vinson, explaining that she didn't care for reality, she has that in her everyday life. I think I have to agree with her, give me fantasy, something that requires a writer to use their imagination to entertain me. I prefer shiny.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Goings On
Gardening, sewing for baby Charlie, still running and I GOT AN AWESOME PART-TIME JOB!!!!! I have several projects that have had to be put on hold and I'm hating that. Unfinished project drive me crazy. But there is nothing that can be done about it, so I'll just have to suck it up for a while. I miss hiking :( Heck, I miss blogging. I'll figure out how to juggle everything shortly, because I want to.
Our goal of going a little greener with our yard is rolling along. We've planted a few things, dug up a few babies to transplant, and we haven't mowed yet....because we haven't had the time. The fruit trees are filling out nicely and our roses are gorgeous. So proud.
Charlie is growing like a weed. I made him a new cuddle-sack for this weekend and had to go up to the 3-6 month onesie! What a chunk! I need to find time to make the bunny I have planned for him. I sometimes feel bad that I don;t get to spend much time with my other two nephews, but I refuse to take total blame there. If their mom wasn't so sketchy, we'd probably hang out more.
I ran another 5k yesterday. The Mutt Strut was a well planned event.
I'll be attending it again. It was held at Railroad Park. Dodging the poop was a new obstacle :) I got another headache. I got one after the last three I've participated in. It won't get me down, I'm to stubborn for that, but I am trying to figure out how to overcome it. I'll just keep on hydrating and much as possible and eventually I'll plateau and it won't be a thing....right? I'm designing a team shirt and getting a running team together. Got sponsors! I want dri-fit fabric, have to decide on colors, find a company to make them, and find out how many running friends want to be on the team.
A friend needed some help in the office of his body shop he just bought. Perfect fit for me and Lee, who was open to me working locally for a couple of days a week. I love it! Keep on thinking it's too good to be true. Ruby hates it!
I took Ruby and Oliver to the vet last week. How obnoxious is a bill for $405 for two perfectly healthy dogs. Really. I almost shit myself. What's the deal? I was so focused on keeping Mindy alive that I hadn't taken Ruby and Oliver to the doctor, well, probably since last May, when I took them for their rabies shots. So they were overdue for everything. I said catch them up and they did. Yikes! That will not happen again. Insane!
Our goal of going a little greener with our yard is rolling along. We've planted a few things, dug up a few babies to transplant, and we haven't mowed yet....because we haven't had the time. The fruit trees are filling out nicely and our roses are gorgeous. So proud.
Charlie is growing like a weed. I made him a new cuddle-sack for this weekend and had to go up to the 3-6 month onesie! What a chunk! I need to find time to make the bunny I have planned for him. I sometimes feel bad that I don;t get to spend much time with my other two nephews, but I refuse to take total blame there. If their mom wasn't so sketchy, we'd probably hang out more.
I ran another 5k yesterday. The Mutt Strut was a well planned event.

A friend needed some help in the office of his body shop he just bought. Perfect fit for me and Lee, who was open to me working locally for a couple of days a week. I love it! Keep on thinking it's too good to be true. Ruby hates it!
I took Ruby and Oliver to the vet last week. How obnoxious is a bill for $405 for two perfectly healthy dogs. Really. I almost shit myself. What's the deal? I was so focused on keeping Mindy alive that I hadn't taken Ruby and Oliver to the doctor, well, probably since last May, when I took them for their rabies shots. So they were overdue for everything. I said catch them up and they did. Yikes! That will not happen again. Insane!
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